In recent times, writing strong content has become very important to any website. Setting up and maintaining a blog page on a website is part of this and brings a lot of benefits. Don’t have a blog page on your website yet, and wondering what a blog can do for you and your business? You can read all about this in this article.

What is a blog?

A blog is nothing more than a written article that is online, on a website. This article can be both informative and inspirational, and can be both personal and business focussed. In personal blogs, the writer often tells what he has experienced, while in a business blog a company mainly writes about the industry in which they work. A blog always has something personal, including business blogs. Consider, for example, the way in which every company can provide extensive information and tips about a specific topic or article. So it is a unique content that reinforces the topic you write about.

What to write a blog about?

When you want to set up a blog page on your website. Then it can be difficult to choose a subject that you will write about. There are a number of tips that can help you with this.

First of all, it is good to think about who you write the blog for. As a company, you know who your customers are, so you know who you sell your products or services to.

Are you not sure about which subject you can write? Then a brainstorm can help. Jump into the season, for example, or a specific event or new regulations. Also work with internal and external links that are relevant to the blog. When writing a blog, keep the customer in mind. Consider, for example, what your customers will find interesting or what they would like to know more about and therefore read. Of course, don’t forget the call to action.

What are the benefits of a blog?

A blog page makes your website a bit more personal and also a bit more human. This is because you share information and you can also communicate quickly when something happens, for example within the company or industry. Your website “lives through” as it were.

Besides that a blog can make your website a bit more personal and stronger, setting up a blog has another advantage. Namely the SEO (search engine optimization). When you place a blog on the website once in a while, Google sees that the website is active. On the basis of the relevant and unique content, the website will rank higher in the search results. Another advantage is that blog pages offer additional options for visitors. Not only because the visitor has quickly found the news blog within Google, but also because they can find extensive information here, which gives them confidence in your website. The chance of potential customers therefore increases.

Outsource a blog?

So there are advantages to writing and posting a blog online. But a disadvantage is that writing such a blog can take a lot of time. Because you, of course, know the most about your company (and the industry), you know like no other that you can tell a lot about it.

But writing a good text is not for everyone. One person likes to write a blog without any problems, while the other can have a lot of trouble with it. At some point you may also experience a lack of inspiration. This can be annoying and it can even stop your blog. Fortunately, there is also a solution for this. At Webfluencer we love to write, especially if it can benefit our clients! Contact us and let’s discuss what we can offer you and your business.